Webdevs have all the best shit!

It’s a huge W to be able to grab a static site generator and make a simple blog in a matter of minutes. I’ve always liked that static generators have become popular in recent years but never tried one myself.

It’s just:

> brew install hugo
> hugo new site my-site
> cd my-site
> hugo new content content/posts/post.md
> hugo # Build

If you run hugo server it will watch changes to the content and refresh the page. You don’t need any fancy WYSIWYG markdown editor for preview because you can just open a text editor and browser side by side.

Also css in this theme is just plain css which is nice.

Low-tech and mainstream

Low-tech solutions like this are getting more traction recently. Which is nice because it’s easy to over-engineer things and hard to… not to.

The cost of complex solutions is just too damn high. You pay the price every day. That huge codebase that needs refactoring. That framework that requires you to have a PhD just to start understanding what problems it’s trying to solve, and so on.

I use VSCode for everything now because it’s mainstream. If something breaks, it breaks for everyone. So it gets fixed fast. If there’s some niche DSL I need to code in, VSCode will be the first to support it.

Going with simple tools makes life so much easier. Who could have thought!

This blog

I don’t know yet if this will become anything. Most likely nobody will give a fuck about these posts and it’s fine.

It can be convenient to have a blog that I can use as a public notes app. When I forget something I can grab code snippets from here and follow links that I found interesting. On bluesky everything I post immediately fades into oblivion. Here things will be easy to find. And if it helps somebody else it’s a nice bonus I guess.

I was tempted to go with one of those timeless no-css themes like this one but in the end decided to just go with what has the most stars. Not gonna score any originality points but hopefully it will last.

Oh and I included comments from bluesky through this thing. If it works you should be able to reply to this on bluesky and your comment will show up on this page!